Kangen Water

“The basis of vitality and long life is water.”

Kangen Water

“The basis of vitality and long life is water.”

What is kangen water?

Kangen Water® is delicious alkaline water created from Enagic’s innovative water ionizer technology.

In Japanese, kangen means “Return to origin” and it describes water as it was meant to be; before the earth became polluted. For more than 45 years, Kangen Water® has been used in Japan to help restore the body to its original, alkaline state. The Kangen Water® machines transform ordinary tap water into healthy, fresh tasting alkaline drinking water.

Kangen Water® is superior to tap and purified bottled water because it is rich in minerals, purged of impurities and ionized through electrolysis to obtain hydrogen and abundant electrons. These electrons impart strong antioxidant properties that strengthen the body’s immune system. Kangen Water® balances your body’s pH with alkaline-rich minerals, provides powerful antioxidant potential and maximizes hydration.

The Science of Kangen Water®

Hydrogen Rich

Water that is Hydrogen rich has a high concentration of Molecular Hydrogen (H2). Molecular Hydrogen acts as an efficient antioxidant that diffuses rapidly across cell membranes and can reduce free radicals, suppressing oxidative stress. Oxidation reactions in the body can produce free radicals, while antioxidants terminate these reactions. Through the process of electrolysis, your tap water becomes Hydrogen rich Kangen Water® containing large quantities of negatively charged ions that act as antioxidants in the body.

Negative ORP

Oxidation-reduction potential, or ORP, is a measurement that indicates the degree to which a substance is capable of oxidizing or reducing another substance. ORP is measured in millivolts (mV) using an ORP meter. A positive ORP reading indicates that a substance is an oxidizing agent. The higher the reading, the more oxidizing it is. The lower the reading, the more anti-oxidizing it is. Most types of water, including tap water and bottled water, are oxidizing agents as their ORP value is positive. Alkaline ionized water is an anti-oxidizing agent, as it has a negative ORP value and it is able to donate extra electrons to neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals in the body.
In generalized terms, a positive or high ORP is better for the outside of the body (cleaning and sanitizing). A low ORP value (in negative numbers) indicates that a substance has a higher antioxidizing potential, and is preferred for oral consumption. Just like pH, ORP values are an important measurement for determining the quality of water. Hydrogen rich Kangen Water® is characterized by exhibiting a negative ORP value of -400 to -850 mv which means it’s highly anti-oxidizing.

Micro Clusters

Micro-clustered is a term used to describe water with smaller hydrogen and oxygen molecules . Water molecules come in clusters rather than single molecules. A water molecule from tap and bottled water which is under pressure has very large clusters of 12-14 molecules. The ionization process breaks the electrical bonding of water molecules and restructures the water down to about 5-6 molecules per cluster. This smaller cluster size means that the water can be more easily absorbed into the cells, thereby providing superior hydration for the body. This structured ionized water also helps to dissolve and flush out acidic solid waste and toxins that have accumulated in the body. Kangen Water® is made up of micro-clusters, which allows for better hydration because it’s more readily absorbed by the body.


Antioxidants are chemicals that interact with and neutralize free radicals, thus preventing them from causing damage. Free radicals damage tissue and contribute to the etiology of many chronic health problems. Antioxidants prevent free radical induced tissue damage by preventing the formation of radicals, scavenging them, or by promoting their decomposition. Antioxidants are also known as “free radical scavengers. A constant supply of external sources of antioxidants is essential to reduce oxidative stress and related damage that cause disease in the body. Kangen Water® is rich with antioxidants.


In its naturally healthy state, the human body is slightly alkaline. Restoring your body’s alkalinity can detoxify it and help prevent acidosis, one of the main causes of disease. Drinking alkaline water offers better hydrating properties compared to normal tap or bottled water.
The reason alkaline ionized water has its antioxidants properties is due to elevated levels of Hydroxyl ion. Water ionizers remove the harmful acidic bicarbonates from the tap water through electrolysis and convert it into Hydroxyl ion. Tap water has mineral carbonates like calcium and magnesium. However, these carbonates give water its acidic properties. While both magnesium and calcium are beneficial for health, the water ionizers remove the acidic components (CO2) from tap water. This allows magnesium & calcium to react with water molecules and as a result, hydroxyl ions are created. This ionized alkaline water has all the similar properties of “Artesian Spring Water” which is rich in hydroxyl ions and has many health benefits for our bodies.
Kangen Water® machines use a simple electromagnetic process which is known as ‘Electrolysis’ or ‘Electrodialysis.’ Through this process, the tap water is split into different streams: one with dissolved carbonate components, the acidic water and the other one with rich minerals like calcium, magnesium and hydroxyl ions, the alkaline water. All these minerals and ions balance the pH level of our body which has many benefits for our overall health and vitality.