
“The source of happiness and longevity is in water.”

Hironari Oshiro, Enagic President & CEO

enagic the company

Enagic is a privately owned Japanese company providing people with clean alkaline water-making machines for over 40 years. Since Hironari Oshiro founded the company in 1974, it has expanded internationally, opening Enagic USA with offices in Los Angeles, Honolulu, New York and Chicago, as well as offices in Canada, Mexico, Australia, Germany and most recently, Malaysia!

Enagic stands behind every product. The SD501 carries a full 5 year warranty! The home-spa unit ANESPA and the SUPER501 are backed by a solid 3 year warranty. With such an assurance of quality, you will never regret purchasing an Enagic Kangen Water machine.

To Ensure the Highest Quality ISO is the world’s leading Management System Standard globally adopted in virtually all industries. Enagic International is certified to; ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 13485 for quality control and environmental management, the Water Quality Association Gold Seal for product certification, and a member in good standing of the prestigious Direct Selling Association.

For over four decades, Japan-based Enagic International has been the leader in manufacturing water ionization systems that transform regular tap water into pure, healthy, electrolytically-reduced and hydrogen-rich drinking water.

Enagic is an integrated development, manufacturing, sales and service company. The Enagic Corporation direct sales system empowers hard-working and passionate independent distributors around the world.

Without protecting the environment, a healthy, comfortable life for people cannot be achieved. It is thus crucial to be aware of the environment and to contribute to its preservation. For this reason, the Enagic Group has adopted a management philosophy, “True Health to the World”, under which they provide products that contribute to “people’s health” and “Improvement of global environment”.

As a member of civil society, they continuously work on “compliance” and “improvement in quality”, considering the needs of the environment and safety for the next generation. Enagic works to secure materials with a low environmental load and aim to reduce, reuse and recycle waste.

They are committed to conserving natural resources and achieving energy-saving efficiency in order to prevent global warming.

The entire Enagic team observes the international laws, regulations and standards with regard to the environment and safety.

By giving thorough training to its employees, Enagic raises their awareness of environmental and safety issues, whereby environmental and work-related accidents can be prevented.They seek continuous improvement, setting environmental goals and objectives, upon which regular reports are delivered.

Enagic Gives Back

Enagic touches the lives of people worldwide, but providing Kangen Water is only the beginning of their contribution to making the world a better place. This is a company deeply rooted in the overall well-being of the people on our Earth, and humanitarianism is a passion that will always define the vision of Enagic.

EnagicWebSystem.com, the distributor support division of Enagic, provides substantial monthly support to JOY Orphanage in Urict, Uganda. It all started with the need for water! Enagic discovered this orphan village in dire need of water, as children were falling prey to diseased water carried from watering holes. The first step was building a well for them! And every step of the way since has been a great joy supporting these wonderful children and their caretakers toward the path of self-sustainability.

Read more about the project at:
