business opportunity


a global business

Imagine a fluid, flexible and incredibly engaging 24/7 global business that allows you to spread the message of True Health to anyone, at any time and in any location. This opportunity exists with Enagic!

Enagic offers a turnkey “home country” solution to creating your own successful business. Simply hold an active distributorship in your home country and begin to recruit people onto your Enagic team from around the world without having to build a base of business in a foreign country. This opportunity offers convenience and rapid growth potential.

Spreading True Health around the world by selling Kangen Water systems is a business you can truly feel good about.

Enagic is a global business of compassion. At Enagic there is a direct focus on the 3 core healths of a happy life.

Healthy Body

Optimal health is incredibly important to maintaining a healthy mindset. When you feel good physically, you feel good mentally. When these two key elements are in place, nothing can stop you and success is soon to follow. Maintaining a healthy body is essential to achieving total health and well being.

Healthy Mind

One of the building blocks to success is a healthy mindset. Being in a space of positivity and gratitude is the key to happiness in every area of life. Enagic has harnessed the power of the healthy mind in order to actualize success. With Enagic, the power of positive thinking and consistent effort truly pays off.

Healthy Opportunity

Financial strife can cause stress that potentially impacts your emotional and physical well-being. Enagic believes that obtaining financial success is the third ingredient in the recipe to true health. Having peace of mind knowing you have achieved financial freedom is what we all dream about and the Enagic Opportunity is an amazing vehicle to make that dream a reality.

The purpose is to spread these truths throughout the world via pure healthy drinking water, and exciting business and personal growth opportunities.

This opportunity is more than just a business, it’s a LIFESTYLE!

Becoming an Enagic Distributor is a unique opportunity to custom design your own business. This is a work-from-home business with a real product with actual, long-lasting value. Sales come naturally because you’ll actually want to share this with everyone you know. The people who use Kangen Water and have made it a daily part of their lifestyle are in the best position to share the product genuinely.

Real product, with real value, backed by real people and a four decade old company with a focus on your future through True Health and Wellness and a progressively designed compensation plan.

Enagic’s dynamically designed compensation plan is truly exciting for distributors.

  • No sign-up fee
  • No monthly qualifications
  • No stocking of inventory
  • No annual renewal
  • No time limits
  • Accumulative sales
  • International sponsoring
  • Pays daily

This opportunity is more than just a business, it’s a LIFESTYLE!

Becoming an Enagic Distributor is a unique opportunity to custom design your own business. This is a work-from-home business with a real product with actual, long-lasting value. Sales come naturally because you’ll actually want to share this with everyone you know. The people who use Kangen Water and have made it a daily part of their lifestyle are in the best position to share the product genuinely.

Real product, with real value, backed by real people and a four decade old company with a focus on your future through True Health and Wellness and a progressively designed compensation plan.

Enagic’s dynamically designed compensation plan is truly exciting for distributors.

  • No sign-up fee
  • No monthly qualifications
  • No stocking of inventory
  • No annual renewal
  • No time limits
  • Accumulative sales
  • International sponsoring
  • Pays daily

The Enagic Corporation direct sales system empowers hard-working and passionate independent distributors around the world.
They truly believe in the products , and they spread the word about the positive changes Kangen Water® has brought into their lives


Kangen is a Japanese term that means “return to the origin”.

In the past, wholesalers and retailers took the largest percentage of business profits. Enagic reroutes this profit BACK to the distribution force that works hard for them: BACK TO THE ORIGIN.

Enagic believes that this strategy is the most effective and fair way to do business in today’s economy, as it brings equal opportunity for those who want to build prosperity for themselves and their families.

The Basic 8-Point Commission Structure

There are 6 ranks (1A-6A), all ranks have 8 points to pay.

In order for you to advance in rank, you and/or your team need to accumulate a specific number of sales. A distributor can advance directly from 1A (must have 2 direct sales) to any other rank when the accumulated sales volume meets the stated requirements.

How do I earn income?

For example: You are 1A with two direct sales. You become 2A when you sell a 3rd unit. OR you can jump directly to 6A from a personal sale if the total amount of units sold in your team is at least 100.

Becoming 2A
Let’s say you start off with selling 2 K8 units. You are now 1A! The people that bought your units like it so much that they sell 2 units each.
Direct sales:
2 x $340 = $680
Indirect sales:
4 x $340 = $1,360
Total sales: 6
Total earnings: $2040

Jumping from one rank to another:

When you make an additional personal sale you become 2A and eligible for a higher commission!

Direct sales:1 x S$860=S$860

Indirect sales:5 x S$860=S$4,300

Total sales:previous 6 + new 6=12

Total earnings:S$7,740

12 units sold means that you rise to 3A!

Enagic’s patented compensation plan is a global parent and provides you with the same expectation of quality reward in any country.
The Enagic system does the work for you behind the scenes so you’re free to concentrate on spreading the message of True Health in your own unique manner.

One system, One company, One vision…
all aligned to provide YOU with ONE road to success!

You are not obligated or required to become an Enagic distributor when you purchase a Kangen Water system.

The choice is YOURS!

The Difference between Direct Selling And Pyramid Scheme

Enagic Business Model