About Us

A droplet of wisdom expands into a sea of awareness.


The co-founders of Simply Water, Atara Po and Madison Garofalo met on the lush garden isle of Kauai. The two instantly shared common interests, lifestyle choices and beliefs in holistic living, natural healing, organic food cultivation, sustainability practices and a deep reverence for Nature and Water.
Through their mutual respect and veneration for the natural world and a unified commitment to living life in the present moment , Atara and Madison joined together in the creation of Simply Water.

It is their mission to raise awareness about the vital importance and essential element of Water. They believe that there is a natural integration between modern technology and the simplicity of Water with the use of Kangen Water Systems.

Drinking Kangen Water® on a daily basis brought these two women to a deeper place of understanding the life-giving element of Water and the necessity of sharing their expanded insights about Water consciousness and its vital role in life. Atara and Madison believe that through optimal cellular hydration an individual can awaken to this innate awareness and truly live a life of fluidity and natural flow. They are completely committed to living a liquid life and embodying liquid love.